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Developing a new drug is a long and costly process with many pitfalls

Most projects are closed down before the drug has reached the market. With the support of Offspring Bioscience's unique expertise in tissue analysis, pharmaceutical companies significantly improve the odds of success

"Our unique ability to plan and carry out such analyses is based on the experience we have built up over a long period of time through our work on pharmaceutical projects in the pharmaceutical industry. With efficient methods and refined analytical techniques, we generate quantitative and reliable data that answers customers' questions and contributions to important decisions within the projects. The services we provided internally until AstraZeneca closed its research unit in Södertälje, we now offer on a consultancy basis to project teams in the global pharma industry. Our customers are mainly established in Europe and the US and range from small start-ups to the largest pharma companies," says Anders Dahlstrand, CEO and co-founder of Offspring

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