Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is frequently used in projects for our clients to generate detailed information, at subcellular resolution, regarding distribution and regulation of protein/peptide-based biomarkers (for eg drug targets, pathological process or measures of effect or side effects) in sections from relevant tissues. Our team has extensive experience establishing and validating IHC assays and employing them to generate strong data in tissues from preclinical animal models of disease and the corresponding human disease states.
The IHC data can be generated from snap-frozen/cryosectioned, fixed/cryosectioned and fixed/paraffin embedded/microtome-sectioned tissues. We are set up to perform the IHC stainings in single and multiplexed formats, using chromogenic and fluorescence-based detection system. This includes working with the extremely sensitive method of tyramide-signal amplification (TSA).
TSA-assisted IHC analyses has the added benefit of allowing for simultaneous analysis of 4 or more biomarkers per tissue section and combining different primary antibodies raised in the same species without cross-talk in the detection process. We perform these analyses, using our Ventana automated IHC staining platform.