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Biomarker Discovery and Validation

Informative biomarkers are critically important to monitor drug activity and therapeutic response as well as guiding patient selection in clinical trials.


Offspring offers services supporting Pharma teams in efforts to discover, validate and employ biomarkers in their drug development projects. This includes, but is not limited to, quantitative analyses using the highly multiplexed Nanostring-based technique in combination with advanced histochemical analyses of relevant biomarkers for efficacy in preclinical in vivo models for disease as well as human tissues.


We provide assistence with optimized study design, tissue processing and quantitative analyses using single/multiplexed immuno-, and/or in situ hybridization histochemistry and AI-assisted image analysis, as well as statistical analysis of effect and power. These analyses can be performed on large cohorts of tissues supplied by the client or as generated by Offspring's collaborating partners for in vivo PKPD studies

Example of multiplex staining
Biomarker Discovery and Validation: About Us
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